My Wild Dieting Idea: Eat Less

3 min readJul 27, 2021

While I may not be in peak physical condition, when I recently met with a personal trainer and they did their trainer thing (you know measure you, weigh you, prod you, etc.) They reported that my weight was healthy and more importantly my body/fat ratio was within a few percentage points of being considered an “athlete.”

Spoiler: I am not an athlete. I am a dad and I have a job that takes up a lot of my time. I volunteer. I have a house with a yard that is ever in need of work and upkeep. So what I don’t have a lot of is time. You could argue that at this stage of life, time is my most valuable commodity (and here I sit writing Medium articles.) With all of life’s priorities than the first thing that slips, the thing that always slips is exercise and diet.

I think we can all agree that things like diet, exercise and sleep are essential needs in life. Unfortunately, as we can exist without these things we often find ourselves cutting corners. Enter my hack, which is simpler and easier than you might think. This hack will appeal to those that have an “all or nothing” type personality.

Here’s what I do. I eat normally most days. However, on Mondays and Thursdays, I don’t eat at all. Nothing. A little oat milk in my coffee is OK and I will even add a bit of collagen. But no food, no sugar, no alcohol, really no calories at all. The results? 4…




Probably the most inconsistent writer in history. I write about construction, productivity, advice that I'm likely not qualified to give & sometimes fiction