The Last Ride Chapter Six

6 min readApr 27, 2020

There is no denying the smell of bacon. Love it or hate it; there was no doubt what it was when you smelled bacon. Kyle’s eyes snapped open; he wasn’t used to waking to bacon. He quickly rose to his feet and wandered down the hallway to the kitchen.

The sunrise was just beginning outside; the light slowly starting to fill the house. As he entered into the kitchen, a strange sight greeted him.

Mark was working a cast iron frying pan on the gas stove as Sheila sat at the kitchen nook sipping on coffee. Kyle surveyed the scene in its entirety and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“I told him it’s only been a week since he got injured and he shouldn’t be out of bed yet.” Sheila defended weakly.

Mark turned and smiled; he was putting on a good front but Kyle could detect he was still suffering through his injuries.

“I just wanted to do something nice for you guys.” He said as he moved towards Kyle with a coffee mug in his hands. He held it out for his brother to take. “Just the way you like it, black like your heart.”

Sheila laughed.

Kyle couldn’t help but smile as he took the mug in his hands. The coffee smelled great. He took a seat on the kitchen nook that Sheila was sitting at.

“I have to say this is strange,” Kyle said as he settled into his seat. “It feels like I have travelled back in time 15 years.”

Sheila looked embarrassed.

“But I have to say,” Kyle continued. “It’s really great to have you guys here again.”

Sheila blushed, “it’s not like before,” she started. “I’m just here to –“

Kyle held up a hand and cut her off mid-sentence.

“Sheila, it’s OK.” He said. “There is nothing wrong with enjoying spending time with old friends.”

“Oh,” Sheila said having felt the slap of common sense across her face. “Yeah, of course.” She sat up straight and adjusted the cup in front of her nervously.

Kyle grinned again and did a reach for the stars major stretch.

“So, Mark,” he asked. “Other than hiding from your murderous gangster friends; what are your plans for the future?” In one of their earlier chats as Mark healed in bed, he had brought Kyle up to speed on exactly how he had ended up showing up on his doorstep with a couple of bullet holes in him.

Mark continued to poke at the bacon in the frying pan with a spatula. “Well,” he started. “I was thinking if it was OK with you I might stick around here for a little bit.”

Kyle had considered this possibility but hadn’t taken it too seriously. It had always been Mark’s nature to move on to bigger and better things.

“Oh,” Kyle responded.

“I don’t want to be any trouble,” Mark responded quickly. “If it doesn’t work or I’m in the way I can figure out something else.”

“No, it’s not that,” Kyle said rubbing his chin. “Your family, this is your home as much as it is mine.”

Kyle watched Mark subtly relax.

“You are welcome to stay here as long as you need, I just didn’t expect you to stick around, that’s all.”

“Oh,” was all Mark responded with as the speech fell silent. Bacon continued to spatter in the background.

Mark broke the silence, “I was thinking that I could help out around here.”

Kyle’s grin was now from ear to ear. “You?!?” He laughed. “Mr Gucci shoes and tough-guy attitude?”

Mark looked embarrassed by Kyle could tell he was being sincere.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun. You’ve changed brother. Sure; I can keep you pretty busy with a hammer and a nail. I can assure you it won’t be a glamourous life but it will keep you out of jail.”

Everyone laughed at Kyle’s comment.

“Thank you,” Mark responded. “Can I get you some more coffee?”

“Sure,” Kyle responded with a note of confusion in his voice. He turned to Sheila as Mark filled up his coffee mug. “I’ve either travelled back 15 years in time or found myself on an episode of the Twilight Zone.” He joked.

Sheila had put the earlier embarrassment behind her and was back to normal. She smiled at Kyle. “I have to say, I missed seeing the brothers together.”

Kyle smiled back.

Just then Max jumped up from his bed in the corner of the kitchen and started barking. 10 seconds later Tyler burst into the kitchen like a wrecking ball. His John Deere ball cap was riding high on his jet black hair.

Max was at his feet instantly wagging his tail, Tyler knelt to pet him. As the scene of the room processed in his brain, he stopped. “Wait,” he stood up from his position petting Max. “Mark, you are making breakfast?” He questioned out loud.

“Yeah sure, why not,” Mark responded. “You want some?”

Tyler looked over at Sheila and Kyle with a look of disbelief on his face. “Well if this isn’t a sign of the end of the world, I’m not sure anything qualifies.” He said only half-joking.

Mark extended a plate filled with hashbrowns and bacon to him.

Tyler took it still in a partial state of disbelief. “Thank you, Mark,” he sat down next to the increasingly cramped nook next to Sheila. He looked down at his breakfast and then back over to Mark with a look of shock. Finally, he took a bite of the food.

“Hey,” he said after he had a few moments to process the food. “This isn’t bad.” He turned to Sheila. “I kind of feel like I’m watching that guy walk on the moon for the first time.”

“Neil Armstrong?” Sheila responded.

“Sure, yeah whatever the actor’s name was,” Tyler replied.

“Actor?” Mark asked as he set plates down in front of Sheila and Kyle.

“No, no!” Kyle jumped in on the conversation. “It is WAY too early for the conspiracy theories talk Tyler.”

Tyler looked hurt. “Kyle, this isn’t a conspiracy theory; how many times do we need to have this conversation, this is a fact! The moon landing was staged.”

“Oh, I see,” Mark said as an amused smile crossed his face.

“You guys need to do more research, you can’t believe what the government tells you.”

Sheila stood up having quickly eaten her breakfast. “This was great guys, but I have to go to work.”

Kyle gestured with his mouth still open with food, “Tyler see your conspiracy psycho-babble is scaring away the only female in the room.”

“Well, that is your speciality isn’t it Tyler?” Mark asked.

Tyler nodded his head, “OK, I see how it is. The Westin brothers are going to pick on Tyler huh? Just like old times.”

Everyone laughed. Mark watched Sheila walk towards the door. “Hey, Sheila?”

Tyler’s eyebrow shot up as his eyes met Kyle’s. They quickly communicated interest through a look towards each other.

“Yeah, Mark?” Sheila asked as she turned around.

“Maybe we could grab dinner one of these days, it has to be better than my home cooking.”

“Oh,” Sheila said pausing. “Um, well I…”

“Don’t leave the guy hanging!” Tyler blurted out with food falling from his mouth.

“Mark I know you haven’t spent a lot of time with us lately, but it was a terrible decision to ask her this in front of us,” Kyle said.

“Yeah, you are probably right. Getting a few bullets in me has changed my thinking though. Don’t really want to put things off.”

Sheila blushed. “Yeah,” she said tucking her hair behind her ear. “I would like that. See you guys.” With that, she was gone out the door.

Tyler slammed a hand down on the table so hard it made Kyle jump.

“Hoo boy, Mark and Sheila on a date again! This is exciting. Wait until I tell Sara about this.”

The sentence was barely out of Tyler’s mouth when Mark nailed him on the side of the head with a piece of bacon.




Probably the most inconsistent writer in history. I write about construction, productivity, advice that I'm likely not qualified to give & sometimes fiction