Writing On Medium: A Conversation With My Brain

3 min readAug 2, 2021
Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

Me: OK, brain; it’s time to write a new article on Medium, you know post regular content to engage and develop followers, that sort of thing.

Brain: Oh really? More shallow and terribly written articles? Great idea.

Me: Are they all shallow and terribly written?

Brain: (Processing.) Most of them are, yes, fairly poorly written and boilerplate. Why don’t you just title this one “how I made 4 cents writing on Medium,” those always seem to attract attention at least I know you click on them.

Me: Then why write anything at all?

Brain: Because you have to, it’s like a compulsive itch that must be scratched and if you don’t scratch it, I will make things much worse for you.

Me: Yet, you think it’s all garbage.

Brain: Because it is all garbage. It’s ok though, you are hardly alone I mean isn’t most writing garbage?

Me: Excuse me?

Brain: It’s like TV and movies, the majority of it is trash. But every once in a while…

Me: So is that what I’m going for? The every once in a while hit?

Brain: (Processing again.) I guess? I mean statistically if you write enough by sheer chance you should write something palatable.




Probably the most inconsistent writer in history. I write about construction, productivity, advice that I'm likely not qualified to give & sometimes fiction